Chris Sidorchuk

Professional Interactive Designer

Sports Talk Podcast

Base Line Podcast

About Me

Hi! I'm Chris Sidorchuk

I am currently studying Interactive Design and Technology at Sask Polytechnical. I plan to graduate with honnors in June of 2023.

My past experience in both Film, and Television have brought me to the next level of higher learning where I am commited to achieveing excellence in my field.

I am a New Age Media Designer focused on the latest trends, technologies, and arts directed towards all social media platforms new and old. Keeping up to date is my business.



Professional Photography

With my trusted Cannon M6 mark ii mirrorless camera I am ready for any shot in any setting.

Photograph Restoration

With advanced skills in Adobe Photoshop, I am able to touch up, highlight, and color correct many previously developted images and increase the overall quality of just about any photogragh.

Video Editing

With countless videos already produced, I am able to edit to and from many different formats and able to share the results on a number of different platforms and devices.



Basic Package

One hour photoshoot.

  • Minimum 5 well developed images
  • Up to 5 image touch ups inclueded

Photo Restoration

3 hours of photo or video restoration time.

  • Most images require 30 minutes to touch up, color correct, and upload to specified device or platform
  • Video restoration may require more time at a higher cost and can be evaluated upon request
  • Most formats are accecptable

Video Production

High quality 4k content producer

  • On location event recording
  • In studio recording
  • Voice over and sound calibration
  • Multiple camera set up available upon request (Please note addition cost for equiptment and opperator required)



2226 Reynolds Street
+1 306-591-6713

Contact Form